African Action Plan
Assigned Amount Units
OECD Development Centre Asian Business Cycle Indicators
American Council on Education
Australian Council for Educational Research
Arbitration of Company Law Disputes
Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Association of Commonwealth Universities
Asian Development Bank
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Acute Exposure Guideline Levels
Agri-Environmental Indicators
African Enterprise Network
Activities of Foreign Affiliates
African Development Bank
Former Directorate for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries (now Trade and Agriculture Directorate)
Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes
Annex I Expert Group on the UNFCCC, now called Climate Change Expert Group (CCXG)
Agricultural Knowledge Systems
Agricultural Market Access Database
OECD Annual Meeting of Sustainable Development Experts
Analytical Business Enterprise Research and Development database
Agricultural Policies and Development Indicators for Africa
Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation
African Peer Review Mechanism
Association of South-East Asian Nations
African Union
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
Baltic Free-Trade Agreement
Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
Business Expenditure on Research and Development
Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD
Brazil, Russia, India and China
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa
Former Basic Science and Technology Statistics (now Research and Development Statistics)
Bilateral Trade Database
Consumer to Consumer
Chemical Accident Risk Assessment Thesaurus (database)
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Convention on Biological Diversity
Council of Baltic Sea States
Climate Change Expert Group on the UNFCCC
Committee on Digital Economy Policy
Centre for Documentation and Information
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
North American Commision for Environment Co-operation
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
Central and Eastern European Countries
Central European Free-Trade Agreement
Centre for Effective Learning Environments
Central African Economic Community and Monetary Union (Cameroon, Centrafrica, Chad, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon)
European Centre for Higher Education (Unesco)
Certified Emission Reductions
Centre for Educational Reasearch and Innovation
Committee on Fiscal Affairs
Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities
Computable General Equilibrium (model)
Chemicals Committee
International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (see CELE - Centre for Effective Learning and Environment)
Committee for Industry, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel
Committee on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises (now Investment Committee)
Commercial Interest Reference Rates
Commonwealth of Independent States
Working Party on Communication Infrastructures and Services Policy
Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
Committee on Financial Markets
Committee on Capital Movements and Invisible Transactions (now Investment Committee)
Compressed Natural Gas
Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities
Council of Europe
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
Competition Committee
OECD's Central Purchasing Group
Conference of University Presidents
Co-operative Research Programme: Biological Resource Management for Sustainable Agricultural Systems
Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health (Nuclear Energy Agency)
United Nations Commission for Sustainable Development
Consumer Support Estimate (indicator used as of 1999 at the OECD)
Consumer Subsidy Equivalent (indicator used until 1998 at the OECD)
Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations
Civil Society Organisation
Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy
Centre for Tax Policy and Administration
Development Assistance Committee
Dynamic Asian Economies
Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs
Development Co-operation Directorate
Development Co-operation Report
Doha Development Agenda
Differentiated Discount Rates
DAC Evaluation Resource Centre
Dynamic Integrated Climate Economy (model)
Database on Immigrants in OECD countries
Dynamic Non-Member Economies (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Hong Kong - China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Chinese Taipei and Thailand)
Domain Name System
Digital Subscriber Line
Economic Accounts for Agriculture
East African Community
East African Enterprise Network
Education at a Glance
Environmental Action Programme
European Commission
Export Credit Agencies
Early Childhood Education and Care
Working Party on Export Credits and Credit Guarantees (Export Credit Group)
Trade Directorate (now Trade and Agriculture Directorate, TAD)
European Conference of Ministers of Transport (now International Transport Forum)
Managing the economy locally in West Africa (launched jointly by the Sahel and West Africa Club and the Municipal Development Partnership (MDP)
Economic Community of West African States
European Credit Transfer System
Electronic Commerce Tax Study Group
Electronic Data Interchange
Economic and Development Review Committee
OECD's Special Activity on Endocrine Disrupters Testing and Assessment
Directorate for Education and Skills
European Economic Area (EU + Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway)
European Environmental Bureau
Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia
European Free Trade Association (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland)
OECD Environment, Health and Safety Division
Education International
Environmental Impact Assessment
Entrepreneurship Indicators Programme
Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs
Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Committee
Emerging Market Economy Forum
Environmental Management System
Environment and School Initiative
The Network on Environment and Development Co-operation
Education Policy Analysis
Economic Policy Committee
OECD Environment Policy Committee
Environmental Performance Reviews
Environmental Policy and Technological Innovation
Global Relations
Emission Reduction Units
European Social Fund
Environmentally Sound Management of Waste
Emerging and Transition Economies
European Trade Union Committee for Education
European Union
European University Association
Statistical Office of the European Communities
Forum for Asian Insolvency Reform
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering
Foreign Affiliates Trading Services (database)
Forum for Enterprise Development
Financial Stability Forum
Fragile States Group (now International Network on Conflict and Fragility, INCAF)
Former Soviet Union
Full Time Equivalent
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
The Group of Ten is made up of eleven industrial countries (Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States) which consult and co-operate on economic, monetary and financial matters.
The Group of Twenty finance ministers and central bank governors of 19 countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America). The European Union, who is represented by the rotating Council presidency and the European Central Bank, is the 20th member of the G-20.
Group of Eight leading industrialized countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, United Kingdom, United States and observer status of the European Union)
General Agreement on Trade in Services
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Gobal Business Dialogue on Electronic Commerce
Group on Economic and Environmental Policy Integration
Group on Environmental Performance
OECD Global Forum on Competition
Global Forum on Environment (formerly known as Global Forum on Sustainable Development)
OECD Global Forum on International Investment
Global Forum on the Knowledge Economy
OECD Global Forum on Sustainable Development (now Global Forum on Environment, GFENV)
Greenhouse Gases
Globally Harmonised Classification System for Chemicals
The OECD Gender, Institutions and Development Data Base
Global Information Infrastructure
Globalisation and Linguistic Competencies
Genetically Modified Organisms
Gross National Product
Directorate for Public Governance and Territorial Development
General Equilibrium Environmental Model
General Services Support Estimate
Health as a Tracer Sector
Human Biobanks and Genetic Research Databases
Human Development Index
Higher Education Funding Council for England
Higher Education Institution
Highly Indebted Poor Countries
Engaging with High Net Worth Individuals on Tax Compliance
Human Poverty Index
High Production Volume (Chemicals)
Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System
Harmonized Sales Tax
Health Technology Assessment
International Anti-Corruption Conference
International Atomic Energy Agency
International Adult Literacy Survey
Intra-African Trade
International Association of Universities
Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy (now Committee on Digital Economy Policy, CDEP)
International Common-Cause Failure Data Exchange (NEA)
International Classification for Health Accounts
Information and Communication Technologies
International Development Goal
International Development Statistics
International Emissions Trading
Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety
Investment, Finance and Enterprise Development
International Futures Programme
Intergovernmental Organizations
Innovation, Higher Education and Research for Development
Indicators of Industry and Services
Individual Learning Account
International Labour Organization
OECD Programme on Institutional Management in Higher Education
International Network on Conflict and Fragility
OECD Indicators of National Education Systems
International Network of Pensions Regulators and Supervisors
Statistics on Intra-Community Trade
Inter-American Organization for Higher Education
International Organization for Migration
Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals
International Organisation for Pension Surpervisors
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
International Programme on Chemical Safety
Intellectual Property Rights
Investment Reform Index
International Road Traffic and Accident Database
International Standards of Accounting and Reporting
International Standard Classification of Education
International Sectoral DataBase (discontinued in 2000; now part of STAN database)
International Standard Industrial Classification
International Organization for Standardization
International Social Security Association
International Survey of Upper Secondary Schools
Information Technologies
Individual Travel Behaviour
International Trade by Commodities Statistics (database)
International Tax Dialogue
International Transport Research Documentation (database)
South East Europe Compact for Reform, Investment, Integrity and Growth
Latin America Free Trade Association
Least Developed Countries
Local Economic and Employment Development
Latin American Economic Outlook
Lifelong Learning
Language, literacy and numeracy
Living Modified Organisms
OECD Labour/Management Programme
Multilateral Agreement on Investment
Millennium Development Goals
Municipal Development Programme
Multilateral Environmental Agreement
Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey
Most-Favoured Nation
Multi-Factor Productivity
Multinational Enterprises
Market Price Support
Mutual Review of Development Effectiveness in Africa
Measurement, Reporting and Verification of greenhouse gas mitigation
Monthly Statistics of International Trade (database)
Main Science and Technology Indicators
Effective development co-operation
Nominal Assistance Coefficient
Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community
North American Free Trade Agreement
Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment
National Action Plans on Employment
Non-Accelerating Wage Rate of Unemployment
Non-Cooperative Countries and Territories
National Contact Point
National Environmental Action Programme
New and Emerging Health-Related Technologies
Non Member Economies and International Migration Division
New Partnership for Africa's Development
National Economic Research Organisations
National Experts on Science and Technology Indicators
Non-Governmental Organisations
National Information Infrastructure
Newly Independent States
Nominal Protection Coefficient
Nuclear Power Plant
National Statistical Offices
Non-Tariff Barriers
Non-Tariff Measures
Official Development Assistance
Official Development Finance
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Offshore Financial Centers
OECD Online Information Services
Other OECD
Other Official Flows
Public Affairs and Communications Directorate
African Countries with Portuguese as the Official Language (Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe)
Pesticide Action Network
Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century
OECD Programme on Educational Building (now called CELE)
Public Employment Service
Privacy-Enhancing Technologies
Public (or Private) Finance Initiative
Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies
Programme for International Student Assessment
Post-Occupancy Evaluation
Public/Private Partnership
Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers
Pollutant Release and Transfer Register
Producer Support Estimate (indicator used as of 1999)
Producer Subsidy Equivalent (indicator used until 1998)
Public Sector Pay and Employment
Research and Development
Research and Development Statistics
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation (and Forest Degradation)
Regulatory Environmental Programme Implementation Network
Radio Frequency Identification
Regulatory Governance Initiative
West African Network of Farmers' Organisations and Agricultural Producers
Rest of the world
Food Crisis Prevention Network
Benefits of trade liberalisation
Southern African Development Community (Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe)
Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management
Senior Budget Officials Networks
Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange
Socio-Economic Analysis
Southeast Asia
Strategic Environmental Assessment
South Eastern Europe
Steering Group on Corporate Governance
General Secretariat of the OECD
Second International Adult Literacy Survey
SIDS (Screening Information Data Set) Initial Assessment Report
Screening Information Data Set
The OECD Social Institutions and Gender Index
Support for Improvement in Governance and Management - a joint initiative of the European Union (EU) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), principally financed by the EU
System of Information on Resources and the Environment
Standard International Trade Classification
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Sustainable Materials Management (SMM)
OECD Social Expenditure Database
Sub-Saharan Africa
Structural Statistics for Industry and Services
State Trading Enterprises
OECD Short-Term Economic Statistics Expert Group
Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation
Trade - OLD
Standardised Unemployment Rate (now called Harmonised Unemployment Rate)
Seasonally adjusted
Trade and Agriculture Directorate
Technical and Further Education
Technical Advisory Group
OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey
Non-tariff measures
WTO/OECD Trade Capacity Building Database
Territorial Development Policy Committee
Territorial Development Service
Teacher Education for Diversity
Transition Economies Forum Enterprise Development
Total Factor Productivity
Tax Information Exchange Agreements
Working Group on Innovation and Technology Policy
Working Party on Telecommunication and Information Services Policy (now Working Party on Communication Infrastructures and Services Policy, CISP)
Trade - OLD
Transboundary Movements of Wastes
Total Support Estimate
Territorial Statistics and Indicators
International Union of Architects
United Nations Economic and Social Council
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations Statistical Division
Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture
Underground Research Laboratories
United States Dollars
Value Added Tax
Valuation of Environment-Related Health Impacts
Vocational Education and Training
Vocational and Technical Education
West Africa Economic and Monetary Union (Benin, Burkina-Faso, Ivory Coast, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo)
West African Enterprise Network
West Africa Long Term Perspective Study
World Bank
World Business Council for Sustainable Development
World Economic Forum
Working Group
World Health Organization
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Working Party
World Summit on Sustainable Development
World Trade Organization