As health spending rises, there is pressure to ensure that resources help people live healthier lives. Most OECD countries have seen increased public interest in ensuring that patients receive care that is safe, effective, and responsive to their needs. Increasing emphasis on choice, public accountability and quality assurance has stimulated interest in the measurement of health care quality and outcomes. Providing patients with care that is safe, effective and responsive to patient needs is now recognised as the foremost objective of health systems in all OECD countries. We measure quality of care and help governments identify the drivers of high-quality care as the cornerstone of quality improvement.
Health Care Quality & Outcomes IndicatorsHigh quality care improves health outcomes and reduces waste. It is integral to a high performing, sustainable health system. |
Patient Safety
Maximising safety is a fundamental responsibility of individual healthcare providers and healthcare systems. |
Integrated CareIntegrated care initiatives aim at ensuring individuals receive the right care, in the right place, at the right time. |
Hospital PerformanceHospitals are a key component of health systems with a large impact on overall health system performance and total health expenditures. |
Health Information InfrastructureHealth data constitute a significant resource in most OECD countries that could be used to improve the quality of health care and the performance of health systems. |
Reviews of National Health QualityA series of in-depth reviews of the policies and institutions that underpin the measurement and improvement of health care quality in 15 different health systems. |
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