

  • 23-November-2009


    Latin American Economic Outlook 2010

    The Latin American Economic Outlook 2010 analyses the impact of the economic crisis in Latin America with a focus on migrations and remittances flows

  • 8-July-2009

    Spanish, , 428kb

    Evaluación del Programa de País: Paraguay 2003-2008

    La previsión del programa fue baja: sólo 35% de las operaciones programadas fueron aprobadas, experimentando subsecuentes demoras en su ratificación y ejecución.

  • 7-July-2009

    English, , 833kb

    Country Programme Evaluation: Paraguay 2003-2008

    The evaluation findings are set out in this report to the Board and are provided as input for Management’s charting of the Bank’s future strategy with the Republic of Paraguay.

  • 6-July-2009


    Aid for Trade at a Glance 2009 - Paraguay

    The Aid for Trade at a Glance 2009: Maintaining Momentum report presents the results of the second monitoring exercise of the Aid for Trade Initiative and documents its success so far.

  • 30-March-2009


    序 安赫尔· 古里亚 经济合作与发展组织秘书长

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  • 30-March-2009


    2009年 拉丁美洲经济展望

    序前 言概 览

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  • 28-October-2008


    Latin America needs better taxes and better spending

    Fiscal policy, says the latest Latin American Economic Outlook (LEO 2009) from the OECD’s Development Centre, can be a powerful tool for economic, political and social development in Latin America if taxes are raised efficiently and fairly.

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  • 28-October-2008


    Perspectivas Económicas de América Latina 2009

    ¿Está aprovechando América Latina el potencial de la política fiscal como herramienta para el desarrollo?

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    Also AvailableEgalement disponible(s)
  • 15-September-2008


    Latin American Economic Outlook 2009

    Are Latin American governments maximising the potential of fiscal policy as a development tool? This 2009 edition of the annual OECD Latin American Economic Outlook analyses the progress governments in the region have achieved in the fiscal realm during the last dec

    Also AvailableEgalement disponible(s)
  • 3-January-2008


    Aid for Trade: Donor & Partner Country Profiles

    Aid for Trade at a Glance 2007: The OECD Creditor Reporting System (CRS) database is used to track ODA flows from Development Assistance Committee (DAC) member countries.

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