English, , 843kb
This document reports the process and findings of a cluster evaluation of four non-government organisation (NGO) projects in the Philippines that have been supported by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) through the AusAID NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).
English, , 797kb
The objectives of this special evaluation study (SES) are to assess the performance of ADB assistance to the Government for improving water supply services in Metro Manila and to draw lessons for future partnership operations.
English, , 175kb
In April 2006, the AusAID policy framework identified the Philippines as a country where aid efforts would be expanded. This annual program performance update captures the results of two program assessment exercises by AusAID staff.
Aid for Trade at a Glance 2007: The OECD Creditor Reporting System (CRS) database is used to track ODA flows from Development Assistance Committee (DAC) member countries.
English, , 2,627kb
The case studies presented in this report were conducted in preparation of the special evaluation study of the Asian Development Bank's 1995 Policy on Involuntary Resettlement.
English, , 2,885kb
The Microfinance Development Strategy of ADB, approved in 2000, was formulated to support the development of high quality, sustainable microfinance services to poor and low-income households and their microenterprises.
English, , 884kb
This evaluation study reviews trends in foreign direct investment, noting the rapid growth in private capital flows in developing member countries, followed by a severe contraction following the Asian financial crisis.
English, , 806kb
This study evaluates the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) 1995 policy on involuntary resettlement. Sixteen case studies of ongoing and completed projects with significant involuntary resettlement were done in the People’s Republic of China, India, and the Philippines.
English, , 279kb
The purpose of the current five-year Matching Grant (MG) program is to expand the quality and reach of integrated microfinance and life-skills training services to serve 200,000 clients in the Philippines and West Africa.
Spanish, , 330kb
De acuerdo con los términos de referencia establecidos, el objetivo general perseguido por la evaluación del Programa SAIL ha consistido en comprobar si la actuación de la Cooperación Española se adecua, con carácter general, a los objetivos señalados en la Ley 23/1998, de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo, entre los que se cuentan la reducción de la pobreza, la promoción del desarrollo sostenible, la defensa de los