The 2009 Monitoring Report synthesises main findings and recommendations from across six countries, providing evidence from the ground of what works and what doesn't.
The 2011 Monitoring Report synthesises main findings and recommendations from across 13 countries, providing evidence from the ground of what works and what doesn't.
The 2009 Monitoring Report synthesises main findings and recommendations from across six countries, providing evidence from the ground of what works and what doesn't.
English, , 4,842kb
The general difficulty is the distance that separates donors from local realities, which this type of approach does not resolve. The projects follow one another, but with very weak links between them, as the programming does not favour sequencing.
French, Excel, 170kb
The general difficulty is the distance that separates donors from local realities, which this type of approach does not resolve. The projects follow one another, but with very weak links between them, as the programming does not favour sequencing.
English, , 1,850kb
This evaluation addresses Norway's contribution in the Democratic Republic of Congo to the development of an international regime to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation.
Efforts to end trade in conflict minerals advanced last week when 11 African countries endorsed an OECD system for responsible sourcing of raw materials.
French, , 953kb
Ce rapport présente un bilan du degré de mise en œuvre en République Démocratique du Congo des Principes pour l’engagement international dans les États fragiles et les situations précaires.
English, , 1,201kb
This evaluation of DFID’s country programme in DRC is commissioned by DFID’s Evaluation Department. These studies are intended to improve performance, contribute to lesson learning and inform the development of future strategy at country level.
The Aid for Trade at a Glance 2009: Maintaining Momentum report presents the results of the second monitoring exercise of the Aid for Trade Initiative and documents its success so far.