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27/11/2019 - Asia is rapidly growing into the world’s largest stock market. In 2018, 51% of all equity capital raised through initial public offerings (IPOs) went to Asian companies. Today more than half of the world’s listed companies are from Asia. This development is reshaping global stock market in several ways: Households outside of Asia have increased their investments in Asian companies through pension funds, mutual funds and other intermediaries; it is increasingly common that listed companies are majority owned by the public sector or by other private companies; and smaller growth companies from Asia are using capital markets to raise money more extensively than smaller companies from the rest of the world.
News release - Stock markets are changing: Investors, companies and regulators must be prepared
보도 자료 - 변화하는 주식시장: 투자자, 기업, 감독기관의 대비가 필요
新闻发布 - 股票市场正在悄然改变:投资者、公司和监管机构必须做好准备
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